
Signature Talk – Recording your first webinar

For Coaches

Today, I want to show you how to record your first signature talk or webinar, make it available online, and gain coaching clients on demand.  If this is something you’ve been wanting to try but felt unsure of the first steps, watch my recent YouTube episode below, or just read on.


The Benefits of Recording Your Signature Talk

With a recorded webinar, you literally have the ability to gain as many coaching clients as you wish and whenever you want them because you can automate your webinar presentation. I have used the education-based marketing model for the last 10 years, and it’s served me regardless of what coaching niche I was in. In the past, I hosted health coaching presentations, and now I’m hosting business coaching presentations in webinars. So no matter what niche you are in – health coaching, life coaching, career, relationships, or spirituality – hosting webinars and automating them will serve your business and will help you gain high quality leads online.

One of the most important benefits of webinars is that they have the power, not only to funnel in qualified leads but also to funnel out unqualified leads. It actually brings the right prospects to you and filters out prospects who may not be committed enough, who may not be right for you or may not be perfect for your coaching programs.

Webinars also have the ability to give you a very short sales cycle – where you can literally bring someone on a webinar with you, they watch your presentation, and a few days later, they can become a coaching client. A recorded signature talk gives you massive amounts of goodwill and trust in the market, because it demonstrates that you are someone that is teaching, speaking, educating, and giving value freely, and that’s what true experts do and stand for, right?

Lastly, when you’re hosting a webinar and inviting your community and prospects to it, your prospects will come in already pre-sold from your webinars. So webinars actually boost the close rates on your sales calls!

How to Record Your First Webinar

Hosting your first signature talk can be scary and difficult if you don’t know how to do it. So today, I want to give you some very easy to follow steps that you can implement to record your first webinar presentation for your business right away.

Step 1:  Decide On Your Hook

What is a hook? Well, a hook is your headline or the topic of your webinar. I always give my clients two options for this:

  • Do an overview of your entire system. It’s the step by step of your coaching program, and how your clients actually get results. So for me, it could be how to find your ideal client, how to discover your niche, how to build a brand, how to build a coaching package, or how to market and sell your coaching programs later. So it’s about branding, niching, program development, marketing, and sales. That could be my overarching system, and I could present that in my webinar.
  • Hone in on or drill down into a specific topic that you specialize in. So for me as a business coach, I could talk about branding, and I could host an entire webinar just about branding, or just about marketing, or just about sales, or just about creating your first coaching package, for example.

So when you think about your webinar title and your hook, I want you to choose to deliver your signature system and the core steps your clients are taking to get results, or hone in and focus in on one specific area.

When writing your hook, keep it really, really simple and make sure you actually implant your clients’ top goals. I want you to think about six pillars, or five shifts, or four steps, or even three secrets in order for your clients to get results. For example, “The Three Simple Steps For You To Gain All The Coaching Clients You Could Ever Want,” or “The Five Steps To Go From Unknown To Expert Status In Your Coaching Business…Even If You’re Brand New.” Do you see the secret? The secret is for you to implant some of the top goals your clients have into your hook, so when they’re landing on your opt-in page or your registration page, and they’re deciding if this webinar is for them, they see their top goals, which will make them so much more likely to say, “Yes. I’m signing up right now.”

Step 2:  Decide On Your Content

Now that you have your hook, you can decide on your content. And when you write out your content, I want you to use my bullet point trick, which has the power to double or even triple the registration rate of your webinar. When you’re writing the bullet points, which is what you will be teaching in your webinar, begin with your ideal clients’ top four or five goals, and then reverse engineer those goals and build out your bullet points and what you will be teaching.

For example, as a health coach, your ideal clients could have goals, including:

  • Feeling irresistible to their partner.
  • They could also feel like, “I want to make health easy to stick to, and fit into my daily schedule.”
  • Many of them will say, “I want to have the energy to power through my day, and play with my kids at night.”
  • And some will also say, “I want to fight off and prevent disease.”

As a health coach, you see that most of your clients may have four or five goals, wishes, or reasons for why they will be working with you as a health coach.

Now, that we know that your clients want these things, we can then reverse engineer them into the coaching points in your webinar. Let me give you an example.

  • Your first bullet point might say, “The workout secrets that shape your body and make you feel irresistible to your partner.”
  • The second bullet point might say, “How to make small tweaks in your daily routine, so that can easily stick to your health, and your fitness, and fit everything into your daily schedule.”
  • The third bullet point might say, “Simple nutrition strategies that can give you energy to power through your day, and play with your kids at night.”
  • And a fourth bullet point might say, “How to change your body chemistry with the right supplements, and fight off and prevent disease.”

Do you see how this works? Beginning with your ideal clients’ top four or five goals, and then we work them into the bullet points and use them to describe what you will actually be teaching on your webinar. So, instead of saying, “I will teach you the supplements you need to take,” you say, “I will teach you which supplements will help you fight off and prevent disease.” Or you will say, “I will teach you the nutrition strategies to have energy throughout your day, and come home and play with your kids at night.” You combine what you’re teaching with showing them how it will lead them to some of their top goals and outcomes.

For me, for example, I know new coaches often think that they have to be cheap or low-cost in order to gain clients. So, in my signature talk, I might say, “Why charging low prices won’t actually serve you, and why charging higher prices will help you get better client results.” And then you might think, “Wow, maybe I don’t have to be cheap. Maybe I can charge more, and that will actually help me get better client results.” It will get you to think in a different way, wake you up, and make you interested and intrigued by my webinar.

So, start by thinking about what your niche falsely believes to be true that’s not serving them right now, and design your webinar around reframing these beliefs, teaching them a better way, and educating them.  This will make them feel like, “Wow, this person has a much better way to do things – a much easier and more effective way. I want this, and I want to watch this webinar right now!”

Step 3:  Make Your Slides

For a 60 minute presentation, you might have between 70 and 100 slides.  So, if you’re someone who is very creative and has experience with slide design, this is something you could easily do yourself. Some of our most favorite tools for slide design include Haiku Deck, Canva, Google Slides, and PowerPoint. But if you’re not, you may want to outsource this task to someone who is an amazing designer or slide creator, and they can make the entire deck for you.

I like to have a lot of variety in my presentations. I like to click often to make sure my slides are moving a lot so that my audience stays engaged as they see new content showing up in the presentation the entire time.

It’s also essential to make sure your slides are on-brand. So, use your brand colors, logo, and fonts, and include images of you or your ideal client to make the presentation really engaging.

Always make sure your slides are professional. Spell and grammar check them, make sure all the information included is accurate, and keep everything clean and well-designed so that you can make the best impression you can in your webinar.

Step 4:  Record Your Webinar

When it comes to recording your webinar, I have several tips for you.

  • Use Camtasia or Zoom to record your webinar. I have had much success with both tools, as they are both very professional and will do a great job at recording your webinar presentation.
  • Don’t show yourself, because that makes editing really tough. When you record your signature talk and you actually show up on video, it makes a great first impression. However, it also makes it very difficult to edit the webinar later on. When you have the recording done and you actually use it and play it, you may find that people drop off at a certain point. Or you may find that you want to make something stronger, or you want to change something. But when you actually have yourself showing up on video, then you have to look the exact same way when you record the webinar again, or worse yet – it might even be impossible for you to edit the webinar. So I recommend that you do not show yourself, but just go through the entire presentation with just a slideshow, because that will make it really easy for you to make any edits later on.
  • Record one slide at a time. I really take my time, I do a really good job at focusing in on my core message, I present the slide, and then I take a break, and then I keep going. So my overall presentation might be two hours or more, but I know later on I can edit and cut the webinar, and this helps me take the pressure off, really relax into it, take my time and really focus on getting my message across, instead of putting everything into a 60 minute container, and rushing through it. So take your time, do one slide at a time, and really enjoy this process.
  • Come in with high vibes. When you’re recording your signature talk, of course, you’re teaching people, but you’re also entertaining people. When they watch it, they will want to feel and hear your passions. So really get your energy up and get yourself motivated – put on music, start dancing – do whatever it takes to get yourself really pumped. When you’re excited about your presentation, you will not only educate, but you will also entertain and retain their attention throughout the entire webinar.
  • Script out the important parts, but don’t script your entire signature talk. For example, when I’m recording my YouTube episodes, I have written out only the most important steps I want to share, but I don’t have the entire episode word for word. I literally say things the way I would say them when I’m speaking with someone face to face. So when you’re practicing your presentation, make sure you’re hitting certain points and write those out. But don’t script the entire thing, because if you’re reading it, people will be able to tell and it won’t be as engaging, real, or authentic.
  • Invest in a professional microphone. My preferred microphone for webinar presentations is the Yeti. You can buy the same, or choose any professional microphone you can find to make sure you have crisp and clear sound.

How To Go The Extra Mile

I have three amazing bonus tips for you to make your presentation a real hit.

Don’t Pitch Your Program

Yes, you heard right…I don’t want you to pitch your program on your webinar at all. Instead, seed your program throughout the presentation, and at the end, pitch a call. You could say, “Well, in my coaching program, I tell my clients to do A, B, and C.” Or, “In my coaching program, we actually include this and this and that, and you should do this too.” So drop subtle hints about your program at several points during the webinar, but don’t tell people to go and buy it. Instead, give them an opportunity to learn more, get more support, and find out if working together is actually a great match by inviting them to a call.

Don’t Make Your Content Too Tangible

A lot of my new clients make this mistake. To give you a simple example of what I mean, they might say, “Drink water every day, workout for 30 minutes daily, do affirmations every day, and meditate for 15 minutes.” Giving concrete steps like that will make your audience say, “Wow, this is great, here’s a real plan! Let me go and try this for a little bit, and see if it works, and I’ll see you later.” They don’t have a real incentive to book in with you or take the next step because they can take these steps on their own…or at least they think they can.

So when you’re building out your presentation, don’t make the steps of what you’re teaching too tactical or give your viewers the opportunity to follow it without your support. Show that there’s great depth and a lot more to do than your clients could ever do on their own, so that they say, “Wow, I see what I have to do, but I also know I need help, and I want to talk to this coach right now.”

Tell Your Clients Who Your Webinar Is NOT For

At the beginning of your webinar presentation, I want you to put a slide in that will say, “This is who it’s for, and this is who it’s is not for.” Because one of the main reasons you’re hosting a webinar is to funnel people into your business, but also funnel out the wrong clients. So right in the beginning, say something like, “This is for you if you are A, B, C, and D. But this not for you, if you’re over here.” You’re actually doing them a favor by telling them that. If they’re in one of these areas, it’s not a good use of their time, and they can leave the webinar. This will leave you with clients who are great prospects for you, who can really benefit from your services, and who should be booking discovery calls with you in the end.

As always, I want to help you implement what you’re learning. So today, I’m giving you two examples of our most successful webinar presentations to watch right now. Simply click on the links HERE and HERE, then sign up to watch, and take away the tips and secrets I’m sharing to make your next webinar presentation a huge success.

I hope this served you and will help inspire you to either record your first webinar or to help you improve your performance for an existing webinar next time. Webinars are amazing to help you get this big message out there, serve your clients, and bring even more clients into your coaching business.

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