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In a noisy online marketplace where there’s SO much competition, knowing the reasons why clients buy from you is essential to creating an irresistible product and an airtight client attraction strategy. In this video, I’m sharing how the 6 human needs, or core values, impact buyer motivation and how you can use this to boost your understanding of sales psychology.

Full Audio Transcript

Carolin Soldo – 6 Human Needs – Why Clients Really Buy From You

Hey there powerhouse and welcome back to our channel. Have you ever asked yourself why a customer is actually buying from you? I mean really. Are they buying because of your pricing, your programs, your testimonials, your branding? Chances are they’re not. There are six secrets and six key reasons why customers choose you over the competition and it’s probably not what you think. As always, make sure you stay all the way until the end of this episode because I’ll give you two hands on examples from my own companies and how I discovered why customers buy our programs and why they sell so well. Before we get started, make sure you hit the bell and you subscribe to our channel so you get notified when new episodes become available.

Welcome to Powerhouse Business on YouTube. I’m your host, Carolin Soldo. I’m a business owner, business scaling master and mom of two boys. I love thinking big, pushing boundaries and doing things differently. Most of all, I’m all about achieving massive growth with ease and helping you scale your business by living the life you love. Let’s go. Since 2006 I’ve built two multimillion dollar companies – one coaching and consulting business and one manufacturing company with my husband, Boris. And when we discovered why our customers and clients choose us and why they buy from us, we’ve been able to double sales for our Powerhouse Business program and we’ve been able to increase revenues for our manufacturing company. With these secrets and this understanding, we were able to create so much ease and elegance in our marketing campaigns and marketing is now very simple and straight forward for us.

There are so many businesses out there who struggle so much when it comes to selling and promoting their services. But what if you knew exactly what your customers want and how to give it to them? What if you could create marketing campaigns that are so enticing and so juicy hot? What if you could change your programs, your services, maybe even your products, make them more appealing, make them more compelling because you know why customers really buy? It could be worth millions of dollars for your business, literally, if you know how to do it right. So are you ready for the six secrets? Here they are. The six secrets are our six core human values. So let’s go through these six human values. I’ll explain them to you. I’ll give you examples of how I’ve been able to implement them into my own programs in marketing and also how Boris has been able to implement them in his business and how this knowhow has helped us birth and launch a whole new business idea. It’s a software company that we are in the process of rolling out, building up and scaling with ease.

Human value number one is significance. What does significance actually mean? Well, to me significance could mean making more money, having a better job title, moving up the corporate ladder. It could also mean living in a bigger house, driving a bigger car, being known, becoming visible. So there are many ways that you can help your clients and customers feel more significant, have more significance in their life, and that’s where you want to focus. For us for example, in Powerhouse Business, we give our clients, we give you significance by helping you become more successful in your business. By helping you grow and scale your business. You are making more money. You’re hiring teams, you’re helping more people. You’re becoming more well known in your community or maybe even around the world. We’re boosting your brand awareness, your visibility. There’s so many things. So significance is a big, big value that we attach to that’s important to me and my brand. But it’s also important to you and your business as we help you grow and scale it.

The second value is contribution. And this is especially dominant when it comes to coaching. So if you’re a coach for example or a consultant, you are probably someone who wants to make a difference in the world. You’re probably someone who wants to make a contribution. You want to help people, you want to feel needed, right? You want to really be of service and uplift other people and ideally as many as possible. So if contribution is a big factor for your clients in your brand. Use it. Take a look at how your programs and services, your offerings can help your clients and customers really have more contribution abilities. Make them feel as though they’re helping more people. They’re doing work that really matters in the world. They’re donating, they’re volunteering or they’re doing something. They’re creating something. They’re giving something back to the world, to other people, to other things, right? They’re making a difference.

For my business, for the Powerhouse Business program for example, we help you make a bigger difference in your business, right? We help you help other people. We help you bring your programs and services to the world. If you’re a coach, we help you grow and scale your coaching business so that you can contribute more, you can do more and you can help more people. So think about what can you do in your business right now to help your customers and clients have more contribution abilities and contribute more in the world as well.

Value number three is love and connection. Love and connection is huge nowadays for any brand because it’s all about what community. It’s all about people. It’s all about connecting. It’s all about social media and it’s all about, you know, making us feel like we have likeminded people around us in our companies, in our businesses, and in our social life as well. So I can’t think of any brand or any business that would not benefit from having more love and connection in their branding and their programs in their messaging. And that’s why so many companies these days build communities. They build Facebook groups, they host events, they do meetups, because it’s all about bringing people together, building a tribe, building a group of likeminded people. In Powerhouse Business, we have masterminds, we host two day events, three day events. We host retreats, we have virtual communities, we have group calls. And that’s why people appreciate our program so much because they’re not growing and scaling their business on their own, isolated, but they have so many like minded business owners on their side. When you’re joining us, you’ll have a complete network of people who are there to support you, who go through the same challenges and have similar goals as you do as well.

So think about it, how can you give your clients more love? How can you enable them to have more connection, more friendships, allow them to network, and how can you build that into, again, your programs and services and your marketing message as well. Chances are no matter what specific industry you’re in, what type of service you offer, whether it be coaching, photography, financial services, planning, it doesn’t matter. Love and connection will be a core value that you want to use in your company.

The next value I want to talk to you about is safety. So when we discovered this idea of human values and what those values actually are and how we can use them, we thought about our manufacturing company and why customers continued to come back and purchase more and more services from us. And we landed on safety because what our customers want in manufacturing is high quality, reliability, on time delivery, precision, and no errors, no rejections, no errors, no flaws at all. So what they’re looking for is safety and certainty and the idea that they can rely on us and our products and services 100%. So safety is everything in the manufacturing business.

In Powerhouse Business and really all of our programs, we give you a safety by giving you a proven plan, giving you a blueprint, and giving you peace of mind. Because we take the guesswork out of growing and scaling your business successfully. All you need to do is follow our step by step plan, follow our curriculum, come to our calls and let us guide you. So ask yourself right now. How are you creating safety for your customers? How do you make them feel safer, more secure? How do you give them reliability and high quality, something they can really trust and that makes them feel certain in their personal lives, in their business, in their career, in whatever area that you specialize in. And how can you create more of that safety? And then one step further, how can you use safety in your marketing message and in your positioning and branding to help you attract customers even more.

The fifth value I want to talk to you about is growth. What is growth? Well, growth is becoming a better version yourself. Learning new skills, learning how to speak a second language, learning how to become more mindful. Meditation, yoga, spirituality, public speaking, confidence. There’s so many areas I can think of that are all about growth, because we people, we human beings want to grow. We want to learn more. We want to see what our limits are. Push those limits and become always better, more able to do the things we want to do and feel proud of our accomplishments. So growth is a huge piece when it comes to your service based business.

In Powerhouse Business, we help you grow because we help you stretch. We help you learn new skills in technology and marketing and sales and branding. You discover so many things about you and your business. It’s truly transformational. Ask yourself, how are you helping your customers and clients grow right now? In which ways are they growing? Feeling better, feeling proud of themselves, developing new skills, learning new stuff right now, and what can you do to improve your offerings and your services even more to help your customers grow? And then, how can you build that into your marketing message so your customers see how they will grow and develop when they’re working with you?

And our last value is variety. So for the longest time I didn’t quite believe that I could give you, my customer, right, more variety because I saw myself as a very grounded, high quality, certain, trustworthy, reliable brand, and some variety seemed like it was risky to me. And, and I thought, no, no, no, I’m not about risk. I’m not about, you know, crazy new ideas. I’m about being grounded, giving proven tactics and strategies and steps. But then I realized that I actually do provide you with a lot of variety and, and I do that by bringing you on retreats, by traveling with you, by hosting events, and by giving you these experiences at my events and retreats and even in my programs, that put you outside of your comfort zone. So ask yourself, do your customers want variety? Chances are they want at least some of it depending on their personality.

Now, you know the six human values and the real reasons why our customers and clients are actually buying from you and what they really want. So now it’s up to you to use that to your competitive advantage because chances are your competition doesn’t know what they’re doing. They do not realize these values and how they can leverage them to become better and more competitive. But you do! So do a little bit of an assessment. How are your programs and services satisfying these six human values right now? What can you do to your existing programs and services to make them even better and incorporate more human values? How can you build new offerings, new programs, new services, new things you do for your clients every single day that satisfy more of those human values? And lastly, how can you leverage these values in your marketing? How can you create new campaigns? New ads, new funnels, new brochures and letters and even copy on your website, that clearly communicates how you give your customers the ability to satisfy their needs, satisfy these human values and with that, become so attractive to them. I promise you when you leverage these values, your customers will find you irresistible and you’ll be able to scale and grow your business with so much more ease and elegance.

As always, I would love to have a conversation with you. Let’s talk about values down below in the comments. Let me know which values you satisfy right now, which are your core values in your business and for your clients, and which values do you want to start to satisfy or build more into your existing products and services and your marketing as well? Let’s have a conversation and let’s really figure out how you can leverage why customers really buy from you.

And I also have two really special announcements for you. Something really, really exciting. We have decided to do interviews on our channel and I would love to interview you if you are a business owner, if you are growing a company in any type of industry and you have a specific super power and interesting background, a specific skill that you know other business owners need to know about and can learn from, then I would love to have you on the show. All you need to do is click on that link below in the description that will lead you to a form. Give us a little bit of information about you and if you are selected you will be on the show with me here. We’ll interview you and we’ll help you bring your message, your skills and your passions out there to the world so that together we can help businesses grow and scale. If you’d like to do the interview with me down below, again, click on that link, submit your application and I can’t wait to hear from you.

I also wanted to talk to you about Powerhouse Business. Powerhouse Business has been around since 2016 and has been our flagship program for coaches, consultants, and service based clients and customers just like you. If you are a service based business and you have revenues less than a million and you want to grow your business to your first seven figures, to your first million dollars in annual income, however, you don’t want to do it with force and you want to do it with ease and grace and elegance so that you can also have a wonderful life and build your business around your desired lifestyle, Powerhouse Business is for you. Let us welcome you in our community. We have clients in service based companies from all around the world who would love to mastermind with you. We’d love to meet you, put you in the hot seat, help you fix things, help you put the right plan in place to grow your company the right way. Down below in the description, there’s a link where you can book a call with me personally and I look forward to speaking with you. I’d be honored to help and support you.

Now stay focused on your goals because I believe that you are meant to bring your super power and your Powerhouse Business to the world. If you liked the episode, give me a like, subscribe to our channel and share it with your friends. Share it out there with the world so that together we can help more businesses grow and scale. As always, thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you soon. Take care.

Do you want to know the simple marketing system our clients are using to grow their coaching or consulting business and enroll consistent clients? Then join me for a free one hour training where I reveal to you how to create a predictable stream of clients in just three simple steps. To register right now, go to In most of our episodes, we don’t talk about our programs or offerings very much, but I fought, but I fought. I thought I thought and I fought, We’ll do something else. Hold on.

Thank You For Watching!

I am truly grateful that you have chosen to spend your time listening to me.

Are you looking for support to grow and scale your business with ease? Schedule your private Business Clarity Call at no cost now. On this 60 minute call, you’ll gain clarity on your best next steps and gain Carolin’s help to create a customized plan that’s perfect for your business needs and goals. Together we will discuss strategies to overcome any challenges you are facing including marketing, building a team, branding, creating offers and services, online business systems, messaging, and more. You’ll leave the call with a tailor-made plan and if you want our help, we can discuss the possibility of working together. This is a no-cost, no-obligation call.

Schedule your Call Now.

With gratitude,


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