For Women Business Owners

Read This If You Want To Scale Your Business With Ease and Elegance

If you're reading this, then that means you're interested in finding out more about becoming a member of our private client group.

Book your 15 Minute Consultation

I guess this is where I'm supposed to "sell" you on the idea, but frankly... This Isn't for Everyone.

My private client group is for female entrepreneurs who want to scale their business without stress and overwhelm.

See, the main reason people join my private client groups is NOT because they want to meet, network, and exchange ideas with other successful entrepreneurs. Of course, members do network and exchange ideas, but the real reason they join is to get one thing:

Simplified Growth.

They don’t want 1,000 new ideas they can “test.” They don’t want the latest “hack.” Instead, they want clarity and focus.

I call it:  The Bullseye Fix

Throughout my years of launching and scaling businesses to multiple seven figures, I have come to realize ONE THING…

There’s always ONE Bullseye Fix that when identified, will totally transform your business. 

And if you can find it and implement it, everything will change…and faster than you could possibly imagine! You get to grow your business by doing less, not more.

From Vicious Cycle of Panic to Total Freedom

Take my client (and now friend), Amanda, for example.

I first met her in 2016 when she had been working day and night in her business.

She had lots of campaigns, programs, and things to do…was making good money…but it wasn’t enough to pay for all the bills she had, the marketing expenses, and frankly, she worked around the clock.

Can you imagine? Having a business that’s making money but STILL being on the brink of disaster, because your expenses are sky high and you are already working 50+ hours a week? Awful!

Amanda was in a constant panic looking for new marketing tactics and shiny objects. It turned out Amanda’s “Bullseye” was this one little neglected area of her business that was actually a hidden goldmine.

I helped her uncover it (and exploit it) and fast forward to today…

She’s grown her revenue by 100%
with a healthy profit margin
and she only works 4 days a week
(taking the last day off to be with her kids!) 

She’s paid her investment back multiple times!

I worked with another amazing client, Cindy. 

Her revenues were below six figures when we first started working together and she had been trying to scale her business for a long time.

Naturally, she had about a million ideas and projects she could try…but I decided to try to keep it simple at first.

“What if you just raised your prices?” I asked. “Nobody would buy it,” she said. I asked her to just try it and see what happened…and it turned out it made no difference and she sold even more.

Then she raised her prices again and the extra revenue allowed her to run a more advanced marketing funnel.

By the end of our first year together,
she had grown her income by more than 300%.

She’s more than paid for her investment already!

What do all of my clients have in common?

They succeeded while keeping things SUPER SIMPLE.

I focus on finding and giving them a simple formula for their business, so they can grow their business while working less (not more).

Chances are you’ll find more than one Bullseye Fix opportunity, but just focusing on one of them will change everything for you.

This year marks my TENTH year of advising businesses and helping them grow.

That’s 3,650 days of experience…and counting.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned that’s had a bigger impact than everything else combined, it’s this ONE THING:

Keep it simple and take out the guesswork.

Imagine what could happen if
you found your Bullseye Fix!

Imagine how that could change your business…

If you stay focused and disciplined, you might double, triple or even quadruple your revenue all while decreasing stress.

You could spend more time with the people you love…and not always have to be working.

You could have the income to experience life on a whole other level…All by finding ONE FIX.

But finding it can be hard. It can take years of trial and error.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars wasted on easily avoidable mistakes. The good news is,

I’m going to find your Bullseye Fix for you!

You don’t have to worry about implementing a whole bunch of ideas that you don’t have time for. You don’t have to put even more on your to-do list. All you have to do is that ONE FIX we uncover together.

So, what exactly do we cover?

Simply put, I help you put smart systems and people in place so you can earn more without working more and impact the world in a much bigger way.

And you could double, triple or even quadruple your NET revenue…all while decreasing stress and your workload.

Does that sound like something you want?
Here’s how it works.

I have two exclusive client groups including Scale Academy and Powerhouse Business that operate at different levels.

I’d like you to join us.

When we speak, we will find out which group is perfect for you.

In our programs, our entire focus is on scaling your business in the simplest, easiest, most effective way possible by finding your Bullseye Fix and implementing it. 

  • We’ll accomplish this by meeting weekly in a group setting.
  • We will also be meeting in-person one to three times over the next 12 months (you choose how often).
  • We will talk over the phone as needed.
  • I’ll also give you access to my complete vault of training materials (you only watch what you really need).
  • I’ll personally assess your business and find your Bullseye Fix. Then we implement together.
  • Once that’s done, we find another Bullseye Fix and implement that.

If accepted, I can absolutely guarantee you’ll be thrilled with the results, because I’ve scaled businesses like yours – repeatedly.

This program is by invitation only. There’s a form to request an invitation below.


Before You Apply, You Need To Know This:

This is not a low cost investment.

I’ve created an application process to filter out the uncommitted. My private client groups are only for real action takers, committed go-getters, and coachable good-hearted business owners.

You’ll be required to implement what you learn quickly and share your results with me and the group just as the other members will be required to share what works for them, too.

Each group is limited to 10 members max. Never more.

You don’t have to be a seven figure business already, but you DO have to have significant momentum. Six figures at least.

I specialize in working with Women Business Owners and you need to be a service-based business, operating offline and/or online. That means I do NOT work with product based businesses (e.g. you manufacture actual physical products).

Request Your Invitation

1. You’ll see the application at the bottom of this page.

2. Schedule a time that works for you. 

3. After you fill it in, I’ll review it personally. 

4. My Client Service Managers, Melissa or Jess, will call you for your 15 minute call so they can answer your questions (and ask you a few as well).

5. Assuming you both still think we’re a good fit, my team will then schedule a call between you and me personally.

6. That call will be around 45 minutes, where together we decide which group is best for you. If I think we’re a good match, I’ll invite you to join us.

Are you Ready?

Request Your Invitation

Request your Invitation

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