
Coaching success: Purpose + Message = Impact!

For Coaches

As a wellness and life coach, you’re regularly bombarded with messages on “How to Get More Clients!” or “How to Make More and Work Less!” or “How to Make 7-Figures Working 3-Minutes a Day – While On Your Dream Vacation!” Am I right?

Many of those who send you emails like these mean well, while others have no idea what you’re struggling to overcome in your coaching business, and merely hope to get some cash out of you. Yet, hope springs eternal among wellness entrepreneurs, and it’s easy to get caught up in the hype.

Well, 99.9% of the time, those tricks don’t work!

Define Your Purpose & Create Your Message

Success in the wellness and life coaching niche requires two things: a clear purpose and a well-defined message – if you hope to have an impact on others and the world. In other words, getting clear on who you will coach and how you will coach them will lead to a business full of joy and wealth. Without this clarity, your message will get lost and your programs will go unnoticed.

The way that you define your purpose as a coach can make all the difference between someone jumping in and getting excited by what they see, or QUICKLY running away, missing out on what you have to offer. This is a shame because what you have to offer can definitely transform the lives of those you work with!

Here’s a thought: If you truly believe that what you have to offer can help others – then you owe it to them to let them know about it, in a way that compels them to work with you!

Share your BIG IDEA!

What do I mean by this? Your belief in what you offer. Think of it as a Headline for everything you do; something short and powerful that sends a message in the blink of an eye. One example is that “Eating Healthy is Simple,” while another might be “Fitness is Fun.”

Not only will this grab attention, but it will also let potential clients know that you understand their challenges and that you have a solution to offer. Doing so requires that you understand your own purpose and can create a focused message to convey it. There are two steps you can take to help you accomplish both:

  • Vision Statement: Creating a Vision Statement will help to clarify your purpose, since it will influence everything you hope to achieve, as a wellness professional and entrepreneur. Think of it as your BIG IDEA for yourself, which will also inform the BIG IDEA you have for prospective clients. Remember, this is your personal vision of where you hope to take your business and does not need to be shared with clients. Rather, it’s the beginning of the road map for where you wish to go, over time, and will require a strategy to get there.
    Be as specific as possible, yet think long-term. For example, “In 3 years I will be working with XX clients, will be earning 6-figures, and will be working three days a week.”


  • Mission Statement: Creating a Mission Statement will help to focus your message, and will be used to share your long-term vision for potential clients and, as such, should be published in a prominent place on your website; usually at the top of your Home Page. It will be your declaration of what you have to offer, as well as what you hope your clients will achieve by working with you.
    By letting them know what they can expect from you, right upfront, there will be no confusion about who you are, what you can do, or what you may expect from them. For example, “My mission as your wellness mentor is to help you understand your relationship to food, and how it influences every decision you make in your life. Working together, we will place food and nutrition in proper perspective, with healthy choices and healthier living as your outcome.”

Communicating your BIG IDEA (or HEADLINE) should be no problem at all, once you’ve created your Vision Statement and your Mission Statement, since having both will enable you to focus more clearly on your business goals, as well as your goals for potential clients. In fact, doing so would barely be possible without laying this groundwork first.

If you’re struggling to articulate your purpose as a coach, or need help composing your message, get in touch with me today and let me help you take that first critical step to coaching success.

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