
7 tips for client attraction – what does your brand stand for?

For Coaches

Attracting new clients requires two basic steps: creating or enhancing your brand; identifying and appealing to your target audience. Being recognized as an expert who can offer solutions is critical to your success, just as critical as understanding the needs, wants, and desires of potential clients. In other words, HOW you present yourself is as important as WHAT you have to offer, while knowing WHO to target is as important as knowing WHY they will benefit from your services.

Make Your Brand Real to Clients

For unlimited client attraction, you have to be able to step into your ideal clients’ head. By working through these 7 steps, you’ll be able to speak to them in a way that will make them WANT to work with you! You can repeat this process over and over again when creating new programs or services. The result is marketing materials you can use in multiple ways.

Of course, to accomplish this, there are a number of questions you’ll need to answer: Who is your Ideal Client? What are their Pain Points? What are your Solutions? What do they need to Know/Learn/Do to find a Resolution? What is their Ultimate Why for Seeking your Help? What is their Ultimate Outcome? What Will Success Look Like?

  1. Your ideal client – Identify your ideal client – and be specific. An example could be “A 50-something-year-old woman who wants to lose weight”. Don’t worry about making a choice. You can always change your mind, later. It’s very important to remember here that you cannot be all things to all people. We are all limited by our training, knowledge, skillset, and talents and, by accepting this, you’ll eliminate a great deal of the stress, anxiety, and frustration that may be plaguing you now.
  2. The problem they struggle with – Imagine following them around all day, from the time they wake up until they go to bed. What do you see them coping with on a regular basis? Which of their challenges are the MOST DAUNTING? This should be a LONG list and from THEIR perspective.
  3. The solution they want instead – This is the mirror image of their problems. They should be specific behaviors thoughts, feelings, actions, situations, and again from THEIR perspective, that will lead to RESOLUTIONS. This should also be a long list.
  4. What they need to know, learn, and do – This can now be from YOUR perspective, as the professional who is guiding them toward SOLUTIONS. This can also include hiring you!
  5. What is their ultimate outcome? When you think of what they most want to accomplish by working with you, this is where you hope to lead them. This should be no more than one or two things but – they must speak DIRECTLY to resolving the issues you’ve identified for them.
  6. What is their BIG WHY? This is huge for them. It’s the reason that motivates their ultimate outcome. Often it’s the reason they won’t initially talk about but is hidden below the surface. It’s powerful and the KEY to them hiring you!
  7. What will success look like – to them? This is where you answer their most basic question, “What’s in it for me?” If they can’t identify a benefit from working with you, they won’t.

When you have completed this exercise, then develop one simple sentence to put it all together, what’s often called an “elevator statement”. When you’re done, you’ll discover amazing clarity around who you work with and what you can do for them! If you have more than one ideal client, work your way through this process again for them.

Of course, doing this will also help you when you develop Coaching Programs instead of hourly services, which we explore in-depth in the Wealth Attraction Series.

Let me know how this helps your business. Or, if you have questions, click here to Contact Me and feel free to ask. I’d love to hear from you!

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