
Branding & marketing to your niche – 3 quick tips

For Coaches

Now that you’ve gained niche clarity and defined your target audience, marketing to your niche will be the key to building your brand and enhancing your online identity.

As the saying goes, the key to success in real estate is, “Location, location, location”. Well, when it comes to successfully marketing your coaching business, the key to success is, “benefits… Benefits… BENEFITS!”

When you go shopping for a product or service, you no doubt compare the features and benefits offered before you determine if something is “worth it”. Your potential coaching clients are no different. They’re looking for a solution to a problem that makes sense and is affordable. Benefits-based marketing is critical to your long-term success.

Here are three tips to help you make marketing to your niche more successful:

  1. Watch the competition – Online coaching is the fastest growing business niche on the internet, which means there is plenty of competition within every niche of coaching that you might imagine. You need to discover how well your message compares to that of your competition, and find ways to improve it. Watch both ends of the spectrum too; from the most successful to the least, so you’ll have a good idea of what works in your niche – and what doesn’t.
  2. Discover key search phrases – Knowing what your potential clients are searching for, and the ways they are searching for it, is critical. While keyword research may not be sexy or a great deal of fun, you need to know what to offer searchers who can benefit from the coaching services and programs you’ve developed to serve your niche. If you don’t know exactly what they’re looking for, you’re not the solution they’re seeking.
  3. Focus on value – A sale is made when the perceived value of a product or service exceeds the cost. By focusing on the advantages to your clients of working with you as their coach, you increase the value of the services and programs you offer. This is the very definition of “Making the sale”, and must be foremost in your mind as you build your brand and market to your niche.

Marketing to your niche requires that you speak in terms that resonate with your target audience. By keeping an eye on your competitors, researching search phrases, and offering value, you’re much more likely to ensure brand recognition and a steadily growing client base.

Need help with building your brand and figuring out the best marketing strategy for your coaching niche? Get in touch with me today.

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